Wednesday 14 August 2024

Old Twitter threads - WAAW 2021: Autistic Joy (Day Two - Disney)

Next up is the behemoth that is Disney!

I remember when writing this thread it was supposed to contain MCU in it but looking back it appears I tangented off to Hamilton and then never finished the thread! 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️ #WorldAutismAcceptanceWeek #AutisticJoy

Originally posted March 30th 2021

Day Two of talking about #AutisticJoy for #WorldAutismAwarenessWeek! 💜 Its the turn of the fandom-collecting juggernaut today - the place of dreams, the sprinkle of fairy dust, the House of Mouse . . . DISNEY!!!!!
My love affair with Disney started when I was very small, the classic animated films were a staple in my childhood home and I'm told I used to watch my favourite video Robin Hood so often that I wasn't the only one in the house to know all the words off by heart! #AutisticJoy💜
Robin Hood was a film that captured my heart through its wonderful use of songs, drama and a passing nod to actual history. It made me interested in learning more about the past of our country, about royalty/nobility and about how taxes work!
The joy I would (and still do) get from dancing around the room singing "a pox on the phoney King of England" is immense, and even the tears that often accompany the "Not in Nottingham" sequence are okay because I know its tied to a deep affection for the film and my childhood 💜
Even though Robin Hood isn't set in London at all, it still makes me think happily of the city I spent my early childhood in, of the terraced house in West Ham where I would watch the film over and over again with my poor brother who was probably desperate to watch something new!
And bits of the film make me think about London too - when Friar Tuck is arrested for high treason my mind flashes to a brilliant family day out to the Tower and seeing Traitors Gate, King Richards return makes mr think of the Abbey and all the Kings to follow him. #LoveLondon

Originally I was going to carry on with more Disney Classic animations I love but how can I mention Kings of England and not talk about one of the great sources of #AutisticJoy that is Hamilton?!?!

The sheer glee and chaos that Jonathan Groff brings to the character is wonderful and his interludes are the most joyous parts of a phenomenal show! I was so pleased when Disney bought the rights to the recorded show done with the original cast so I got to see them finally! 😍💜

Oh, and when speaking of any kind of joy its hard not to mention the amazing performance by Daveed Diggs as Jefferson!! The high-knee movements, the facial expressions, the energy!! 😍 So much #AutisticJoy just watching him in those songs!! 💜

In fact, the Hamilton show/album/recorded performance are not only a beloved source of #AutisticJoy but are a valuable movement prompt for this couch potato, as its rare I can hear any of the songs without starting to dance just a bit!

Plus Hamilton has opened mine and my brothers strange shorthand language up to a whole host of new quotes and ear-worm triggers for each other, to go with our already existing vast array from MCU/Disney/ Stargate SG1/Red Dwarf etc!!

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